Childrenfrom Tibberton and Hindlip CE First Schools will be attending a prestigiousAwards Ceremony at the BBC Radio Theatre in London on 17 May,having been nominated for Primary School Radio Station of the Year in anational competition. Eight Year 4students (aged 8 and 9) will represent the two schools at the Young Arias2019.
This is a brandnew competition to award the best young talent in making radio, audio andpodcasts. It is supported by the BBC and Commercial Radio, with presenters andDJs from BBC Radio 1 and 2 widely publicising and promoting the awards. https://youngarias.co.uk/
The twoWorcestershire schools have joined forces to create a school radio stationcalled TH Radio, with a small group of children selected every few weeks tomake a radio programme on an issue that effects the children.The students learn how to use recording equipment,plan programmes, make jingles, interview people in school and in the community,and present their programme which is played in assembly and put online.
We havelearnt so many things at Radio Club like how to record and interview. Its madeus much more confident especially when we are meeting new people. said Hollieand Alyss, two of the children who will be going to London.
When wewere making a programme on British Values, I loved going to Fernhill House CareHome to find out how Britain has changed. We talked to young Jack and old Jack. Young Jack was 93 and oldJack was 97! said Oliver, who is alsoattending the ceremony.
ExecutiveHead Teacher Alex Gromski said: TH Radio is a source of pride for our twoschools. The radio programmes are entertaining and informative. Our youngerpupils are incredibly excited when each new episode is broadcast in assembly.We are absolutely delighted to be nominated for such a prestigious award andexcited to be going to the BBC Radio Theatre.
Getting to the Awards Ceremony has been made possible by theincredible generosity of Great Western Railway, which has offered to transport theeight youngsters and their teachers to London free of charge. Anyone travelling onthe Worcester Paddington line on 17 May might be surprised to heara few new voices doing the train announcements that day!