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Taizé Brother/Monk to Visit Worcester

Brother Jean- Patrick from the TaizCommunity of the Reconciliation in France has chosen to come to Worcester and will speak at the cathedral aswell as share in a special service in the beautiful style of Taiz, on Friday 22 March at 7.30pm.

Brother JeanPatrick will speak of the work and distinctive worship of the Community whosemusic and chants are used in many churches of all denominations.

Following the success of a week-long visit to The Taiz community in Burgundy last year, another is being organised this year for 18-30 year olds from across Worcestershire and Dudley, who will join around 5000 other young people from all over the world at this extraordinary monastery.

Kempseybased Josh Kennedy said of his visit in 2018:

The Taiz trip for me was somethingincredibly special. Theres an amazing sense of global church, with people fromso many countries and cultures, and our multi-nationality Bible studies anddiscussions were a particular highlight for me.

People ofall faiths and none are encouraged to come along to the cathedral to hearBrother Jean Patrick and to take part in the short service .

Entry to thecathedral will be on the south side through the Cloisters.

Taiz is anecumenical community of Brothers who host week long meetings for mainly youngpeople. It was set up by a Swiss pastor following the Second World War as acentre of reconciliation. There are now over 100 brothers of all denominations.

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Published: 6th March 2019
Page last updated: Wednesday 6th March 2019 2:43 PM

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