St George's Church in Kidderminster recently held a successful event for local families. Church member, Alison Burton, explains what took place:
"On Tuesdaymorning over half-term, St George's Church welcomed 76 babies and children upto age 13 with a parent or carer.
"Everyone enjoyed two hours of crafts and games, including a story from the Bible,songs and prayers, using material from Women's World Day of Prayer entitled'All God's Creation is very good' and asking how we can take better care ofit.
"Families made rice cracker faces,blossom trees, clay animals, a turtle, recycled bird feeders and a zig-zagstory book of creation.There was also arecycling themed game, a quieter reflective area, a world map jigsaw, a shortvideo on what happens to our recycled items, a toddler area and the very popularsandpit!
"Homemade cakes, tea, coffeeand squash were served throughout. It was an amazing team effort with over 20 helpers and a team of men helping to movechairs and tables into place at the beginning and end, without whom it wouldnot be able to happen."