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Stourbridge lady awarded Wulfstan Cross

Wendy receives the Wulfstan CrossThe Bishop of Worcester, DrJohn Inge has presented Wendy Tranter, longstanding member of St Marys Churchin Oldswinford, Stourbridge, with the Cross of St. Wulfstan, an award that paystribute to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the life ofthe Church in the Diocese of Worcester.

Wendy was confirmed in theChurch of England aged 13 and has played an active role in the church eversince, celebrating her 90th birthday last year. She has served inthe choir for 38 years, ran the Sunday School for 66 years and recently organisedher 50th Christingle service for the Childrens Society. Wendy wasalso the first woman to hold an office at St Marys Church, serving as PCCSecretary for 25 years. She still takes communion to local nursing homes.

Wendy said: I felt veryhumbled to receive the letter from Bishop John saying that I was to be awardedthe St. Wulfstan Cross and its all been a little overwhelming. It has been oneof my greatest joys to work for God in his Church throughout my life.

Bishop John said: Wendyswitness and ministry has been and continues to exceptional. I was delighted togive her this award in thanksgiving for the service and inspiration she hasgiven and the way in which her commitment to the Lord Jesus has touched livesfor good and for God.

Wendy in the serviceChurchwarden of St MarysChurch in Oldswinford, Tony Tatford, was involved in recommending that Wendyshould be honoured for her service to the church. He said: 2018 was the 50thanniversary of the Childrens Societys Christingle services and our service inDecember was the 50th that Wendy had organised. We wanted torecognise the work she has done in our church Wendy has looked after ourchildren as well as many others and has always been there!

The award was presented to Wendyduring a special evensong in the Cathedral for St. Wulfstans Day on Saturday.

St.Wulfstan/ Wulstan lived c. 1008 - 1095. He served as Bishop ofWorcester under the last two Saxon kings and the first two Norman kings. Afterthe Norman Conquest he was responsible for the dismantling of the old Saxoncathedral and the building of a new one, of which the crypt is the main partstill surviving today. He was at once venerated as a saint by the people of Worcester, though he wasnot formally canonized until 1203. Alongside the tomb of St. Oswald, his shrinewas a place of pilgrimage until the Reformation.Wulfstan found a special place in localpeople's affections. He took his pastoral duties very seriously, caring for thepoor and preaching widely. He was famed for his healing and propheticabilities. He even preached against the slave trade in Bristol, then part of his Diocese, andthankfully managed to end this practise for a long while.


The Diocese of Worcester is one of 42 dioceses in the Church of England. It covers an area of 671 square miles and includes parishes in the County of Worcestershire, the Metropolitan Borough of Dudley, and a few parishes in northern Gloucestershire, south east Wolverhampton and Sandwell.
From: Sam Setchell, Press Officer for the Diocese of Worcester and the Bishop of Worcester.
Tel: 01905 20537 Mobile: 07852 302516
Published: 20th January 2019
Page last updated: Thursday 2nd July 2020 1:59 PM

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