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Sporting success at Northleigh Primary School

A special assembly was held at Northleigh CE Primary School last week tocelebrate the schools unprecedented sporting success this year.

Individual pupils were presented with certificates to acknowledge their successout side of school. These recognised a diverse range of talents, such as pupilstraining with the county tennis squad and representing Worcestershire incycling events. In addition 5 pupils had been selected to represent Northleighin the Worcestershire cross country finals. One of these progressed through tothe national finals.

The assembly was attended by the captain of Worcester Reds Netball team, HayleyRudd, who presented the schools highly successful sports teams with theirtrophies and medals. Hayley said its really pleasing to see Northleighpromoting sport at all levels, which has clearly encouraged positive attitudesto sport and has resulted in amazing success

The impressive list of achievements for Northleighs sports teams are:

Northleigh U11 footballUnder 11 football team: Malvern league champions and Worcester West Champions

Northleigh U9 football teamUnder 9 football team: Malvern league champions

Under 7 football team: Malvern league champions

Northleigh U11 netball teamUnder 11 netball team: Malvern league runners up, Worcester West Champions

Under 11 netball B team, Worcester West 3rd place

Northleigh cross countryUnder 11 athletics team, 3rd place in Worcestershire finals

The assembly was well attended by parents, such as Clare Parsons, whosedaughter Abby was presented with a certificate by the other members of the Under11 football team, who voted her player of the season.

My daughter has been grinning from ear to ear since she came in from school.There is a really positive atmosphere at Northleigh at the moment and parentsregularly comment on the tremendous progress the school is making in all areas

Northleigh climbing wallHeadteacher Stuart Busby, who was appointed at Northleigh in September 2017,stated: Im thrilled to see our children getting the recognition they deserve.As a school we strive to develop positive attitudes to learning in all areas.This year we have provided additional opportunities for all our pupils toengage in sport. A large number of them have attended gym and dance festivals,watched Netball and Basketball matches and scaled our climbing wall. As acommunity we have enjoyed celebrating our sporting success and will continue topromote a desire to achieve in all areas of school life.

Northleigh athletesNorthleighs success has also attracted the interest of the wider sportingcommunity and congratulations have been received from upcoming Olympic hockeyplayer, Lucy Walton, who will be presenting awards at the schools Summercelebration assembly. The assembly will also be attended by two teachers fromNorthleighs partner school Darajani in Tanzania, who shared news of the sportingsuccess at their own Northleigh Assembly yesterday afternoon.

Congratulatory messages have also been received from a number of local footballclubs.

Published: 3rd April 2018
Page last updated: Tuesday 3rd April 2018 2:53 PM

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