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Social action is thriving in our churches

In many churches that I visit there is a box next to a sign saying, For the Food Bank Thank You. I hear about numerous lunch groups, knit and natter sessions and after school clubs, and once I saw a poster that read Down in the mouth? Join our Loneliness Group for a faith lift. I still wonder whether the group is thriving.

Across the Diocese of Worcester, social action and communityoutreach is flourishing. The results are just in from a survey conducted at theend of 2017 which asked about how our churches are involved with activitiessuch as food banks, night shelters, community cafes, debt advice, breakfastclubs and youth groups. 220 of our churches responded and between us we areinvolved in approximately 500 projects that directly support other people.

These 220 churches ran 168 projects, hosted another 64projects and 79 projects were carried out in partnership with otherorganisations. We supported, in other ways, a further 202 projects. That is anincredible amount of good will and lots of commitment to loving our neighbour.

The Halesowen Welcome Group, working with refugees andpeople seeking asylum, are so grateful for the support that they receive fromour churches. In Worcester, the food bank believes that no one should have toface going hungry and has provided thousands of food packages over the lastyear. In Evesham, the street pastors are out, even in the early hours of a coldFebruary night, supporting people who are upset or vulnerable. There arecountless other projects and groups quietly going on that bring life inabundance to people.

Why do we do it? First, because there is great need. We seepeople in our communities who are need of support and want to respond with careand compassion. However much we would like it to, the state cant afford toprovide everything and, whilst we rightly challenge political decisions, we canrespond as a community as well. We know that every act of kindness is a livedout way of taking seriously Jesus words to love God and our neighbour.

When we reach out to another, even by the act of leavingsome tins for the food bank, we are seeing the face of Christ in the poor andseeking to be where he is to be found.

As a result we can bring that all important ingredient ofjoy into peoples lives, helping them to connect with others, and be lesslonely and isolated. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, this gift of joy movesbeyond welfare so as to help people fare well. In such a way, we witnesssomething of the kingdom of God in our midst.

Thank you if you are part of the 86% of ourchurches already involved. You might want to consider how your commitment mightdeepen in understanding, prayer and action, and your worship and life as acommunity enhanced even more, as you make these connections with the incarnateJesus.

Bishop Graham

Published: 8th January 2019
Page last updated: Tuesday 8th January 2019 12:08 PM

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