Rector of Kempsey, Mark Badger has had the idea of KingdomCuppa - offering a free cup of coffee (or tea) to those gathered in the school playgrounds at Kempsey and Norton Schools. Here he explains why!
"Coffee has become something of a hospitality ritual. Itmight also be called a comfort food. So if you put the two together, one wouldsurmise, coffee creates a sense warmth, of hope and trust you can hold in yourhands. For a real coffee lover, it doesnt get much better than a warmcup of coffee in your hands to relax and rejuvenate your spirit almostanytime.
So what better time and place than school drop off on a cold(probably wet) winter morning?
There is no ulterior motive otherthan to serve our community, get to know people better and show them that welove them. The comments we have received have been so encouraging one mum said:
"I couldnt help be like YES! What else can we do?! Could Imake some kind of baked goods to give out too? Or could we post encouragingmessages or something?"
Its great to see that such a simple thing can stircommunity spirit and spread the Gospel too!