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Saying farewell to Bishop Graham

There are two occasions being planned to say goodbye to Bishop Graham before he leaves us to become the Bishop of Norwich. All are welcome to join us at:

     - Cathedral evensong, 5.30pm on Saturday 20 July followed by a reception in the Chapter House.

     - A special service in a Big Top at the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley at 4pm on Sunday 21 July, followed by curry. Some seats will be provided, but please bring a camping chair/ picnic blanket if possible.

    We are very grateful to the Black Country Living Museum for providing the venue and to the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Dudley for generously providing the curry.

    For catering, it is essential we know how many are coming to each event. Please either register your interest through your vicar (who has received a form to return) or contact by Friday 5 July.

    Bishop Graham has asked for donations to Morogoro, our partner diocese in Tanzania and, in particular, for a tree nursery there. If, therefore, you would like to contribute please make cheques available to Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance, indicating that it is for Bishop Grahams collection. 

    Published: 26th June 2019
    Page last updated: Wednesday 26th June 2019 10:42 AM

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