As we witness the violence escalating in Israel and Gaza, our hearts break for those killed and injured and the two million people trapped inside Gaza, suffering a terrifying ordeal.
At times like these it is difficult to know how to pray and so Christian Aid and Embrace the Middle East have come together to offer churches a resource for prayer. It includes space for silence and the lighting of candles. There are suggestions for music and short readings from the scriptures to direct our prayers. Most importantly there are the voices of the people caught in this cycle of violence, both Israeli and Palestinian.
It is through prayer that we are assured of the promise of John’s gospel. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1.5)
You can find the resource on Christian Aid’s and Embrace’s websites by following these links:
Middle East Crisis - Resources for a Prayer Vigil - Christian Aid and Pray with Embrace — Embrace the Middle East (
Embrace and Christian Aid have both launched appeals to support their partners in Gaza once aid can get across the border. You can support these appeals by following these links.
The Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem and Archbishop Justin are encouraging support for the Anglican ministries in Gaza, Palestine and Israel through donations to the Friends of the Holy Land Appeal, which has also been commended by Bishop John. Read more here.