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Pickersleigh's holiday lunch club

St Marys, Pickersleigh are running a lunch club for localchildren across three weeks during the school holidays. Helped by their Calling Young DisciplesMission Enabler, they are opening the church from 11.30am 2pm and providingprimary age children with activities and a hot meal on three differentThursdays.

children doing craftChildren and Families Worker, Sarah McCarten-Williams, hasled a small team in planning the lunch clubs. She said: We were keen to dosomething over lunchtime as holiday hunger is a real issue for some familiesnear us the children would normally be provided a hot meal at schools. Wehave asked people to book in, but have said that well still accept people whoturn up on the door if there is space. We had 12 children last week and thisweek its gone up to 21 theyve all come back smiling and happy!

boy with handmade fishThere is a seaside theme running across the three Thursdaysand each week is focussed on a different bible story Moses parting the RedSea, Peter walking on water and the big catch. The story is told in themorning through Godly Play or using Lego; children have a bit of free playbefore lunch and then there is the chance to make biscuits or do craft before thesession finishes with parachute games. Families are charged 2 for the firstchild and then 1 for any additional siblings.

Helen helping with bakingHelen Weir is new to St Marys after recently moving toMalvern and has become involved in the planning. She said: It was clear thatin this area there was a need to low cost activities for children over thesummer holidays.It is great to be ableto provide that in a Christian environment where we can share some biblestories together. Weve let the children have some input in what theyd like todo the spaghetti bolognese wasnt as popular as the chicken nuggets and beansthey chose this week! Its great to see the children all sitting down, sharingand chatting together they seem to be enjoying themselves.

Kara, age 12 is a member of St Marys and has been at thelunch club as a young leader. She said: Ive been helping the younger childrenmake butterflies and do some baking. Its a really fun environment and it helpskeep me and the other children entertained over the summer holidays.

children eating puddingGeorgia, age 9, said: The food has been the best bit as Ilove food! Im looking forward to next week.

Ashton, age 10 said: Its been good fun, I especiallyenjoyed making shortbread biscuits.

Sarah continued: These holiday lunch clubs are definitely somethingthat wed like to do again. Were also hoping to do more events for childrenmore regularly, including starting some monthly family craft workshops in thestyle of Messy Church. 

See more photos on our Facebook page.

Published: 1st August 2019
Page last updated: Thursday 1st August 2019 3:28 PM

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