On 28 February, the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) will belaunched in the Diocese at an event for clergy and others.
The PGS has already been adopted by 26 dioceses across theChurch of England. It enables individuals to give to their parish churchregularly by Direct Debit with an option to increase their donation annually inline with inflation. The scheme aims to encourage generosity, efficiency andregularity in giving; helping the Kingdom of God to grow through theflourishing of properly resourced local churches, giving donors confidence thattheir money is being used well and helping PCCs to budget effectively.
Following the launch event, a series of briefings will beheld throughout the Diocese for treasurers, wardens and other interestedparties to find out more about how to get involved and how the PGS couldbenefit their parish. Stewardship Officer, Alison Maddocks, said: Staticgiving is one of the greatest threats to parish income and this scheme aims tochange that. Joining the scheme also makes it simple for churches to collectgift aid on donations. I would encourage every PCC to give consideration tointroducing it in their parish when theyre next able to run a stewardshipcampaign.
Bishop John has endorsed the scheme saying: Introducing theParish Giving Scheme in the Diocese of Worcester gives us a great opportunityto consider not only how we give financially but also why we give and how muchwe give.The experience of others makesclear that, with the right encouragement, this could be the best opportunityfor a generation to review what it means to live as financially generousdisciples, an opportunity that has the potential transform our efforts tobecome Kingdom People and play our full part in Gods mission by putting thechurch on a more financially stable footing.I wholeheartedly commend the Parish Giving Scheme to every parish and toevery individual.
Diocesan Secretary, John Preston said: Over 33,000 giversare already using the PGS to give to their church, because it makes life easierfor them and for their parish. It improves cash flow and combats theissue of static giving. Its a sure-fire winner and will be a real benefit toour parishes too.
The launch event takes place on 28 February at St HelensChurch in Worcester. It will feature Steve Pierce from Liverpool Diocese who isa nationally acclaimed speaker on stewardship and who established the Givingin Grace Scheme as well as Helen Richardson, CEO of the Parish Giving Scheme.If you would like to attend this event or find out more about the briefingstaking place across the Diocese, please contact Alison Maddocks, Diocesan Stewardship Officer.