Over 185 Christmas shoeboxes have been filled by school children and others in Powick, Callow End, Madresfield and Guarlford to be given to Teams4U, a Wrexham based charity thatdelivers filled shoes boxes collected all across the country for Christmas inEastern Europe and the Ukraine.
Pictured with children from Powick CoE PrimarySchool, that donated over 31 boxes, the Revd Gary Crellin said:
"I have been supportingthis specific charity for a while now and when I moved to this area from theRedditch area earlier in the summer, I had no idea how well this simple ideawould take. I was expecting around 50 boxes but we have amassed over 185 withmore to follow later from Madresfield!"
The collection spanned his fourchurches Powick, Callow End, Madresfield and Guarlford, the three Churchof England Schools, local WI branches and local Guides and Scouts units as well as local members of the public that heard about the collectionand just joined in. Gary continued:
"In a time where we are haring headlongto Christmas with so much pressures on us to spend and do "stuff", and maybe disposable cash for such ventures is on the wain, to think thatpeople took the time and trouble, and cost, to make up over 185 boxes ofunconditional love and best wishes, and these are now on their way to Belarusis superb and humbling in equal measure.