Clare Soar has been appointedas the new Youth and Childrens Minister at St Thomas and St Luke (TopChurch) in Dudley.
Clare and her husband havebeen attending Top Church for the last few months and when she saw the postadvertised, she was keen to get involved. The new role will involve providingactivities for the current children and young people in the congregation of thechurch and also looking at ways to spread the word of God to young peopleoutside of the church.
Clare said: This is a bigjob and a real challenge, but I cant wait to get started! I want to shareGods love with people across Dudley and am planning to work with local schoolsand other organisations for children and young people in the town. This is achance for me to help grow the church of the future and also make a realdifference to the lives of young people in Dudley.
Last year, Top Churchcelebrated its 200th anniversary, and Clares role will be all aboutmaking sure the church is relevant to the younger generation and ensuring itllbe there for another 200 years!
Clare continued: My husbandand I have wanted to be involved in the changes happening at Top Church fromthe very beginning of its journey and Im so excited to have been given thisrole. I'm looking forward to getting to know children and young people inDudley, both inside and outside of the church. Now the pews are coming out ofthe building, it will be a much more flexible and accessible space this willdefinitely help us to show local young people that its somewhere they arewelcomed.