Claire Rushton took up her post as the new Finance Manager of theDiocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (DoWMAT) on Monday 5thNovember, this year. Claire joins the DoWMAT from Pershore High School, where shespent 13 years, progressing from School Finance Officer to the role of SchoolBusiness Manager, when the school formed Avonreach Academy Trust. In her roleas School Business Manager, she offered financial support and guidance to allof the schools in the Trust. Before joining Pershore High School in 2005,Claire spent 8 years working in various roles at HSBC.
Claire said: I am thrilled to be working for the DoWMAT and workingwith all the academies in the Trust. There are many challenges that lie aheadfor academies, in particular with funding. We all face these struggles togetherand I am looking forward to assisting all academies within the DoWMAT over thecoming years, to achieve the highest of standards in the most challenging oftimes.
The DoWMAT currently includes twelve first, middle and primary schools,and looks to welcome further schools into their family of academies over thenext few years. As the DoWMATs Finance Manager, Claires key role is to provide day-to-day financial management for the Trust. In addition, she will assist andadvise headteachers, School Business Managers and finance staff, within theacademies, on all financial management matters. Her role will involve working bothin the DoWMAT offices and offsite, in the academies.
I am always up for a challenge and always willing to roll my sleevesup, continued Claire. I am very much looking forward to meeting the staff andpupils in the DoWMAT schools over the coming months and supporting wherever Ican.
Claire is married to Tom and they have a young daughter, Kate, whokeeps them very busy outside of work! In her spare time, Claire loves cooking,listening to a wide variety of music and supports the Worcester Warriors rugbyteam.