Doug Chaplin has taken on the role of Bishop’s Adviser for Worship and Liturgy.
As Discipleship and Lay Training Officer, Doug already organises training to help those who lead worship in our churches, working with parishes to offer training in leading prayers or improving bible reading and co-ordinating training for potential ALM worship leaders. In his new advisory role, he is available to answer questions from clergy or others, helping to explain the Common Worship provisions of the Church of England. He will also assist in producing worship for diocesan services.
Doug said: “I am very happy to help parishes on anything to do with worship and liturgy. This may be particularly useful when parishes go into vacancy. I can help parishes reflect on what a realistic worship provision is in vacancy and offer training and support to develop lay ministries to lead services.”
Doug has also previously developed the ‘emergency worship toolkit – a simple set of resources to help parishes when, for example, the person who was going to be leading a service falls ill, and a replacement can’t be found at short notice. Find this here and do contact Doug if you have any questions around worship and liturgy or would like to arrange some training for your parishes.