Mission-ShapedMinistry is a part-time ecumenical course about how to start and sustain FreshExpressions of church. Next month, this nationally recognised course will beginin two venues in the Diocese - Cradley Heath in the north and Worcester in thesouth.
Therewill then be ten sessions between September and June 2020, mostly on eveningsand Saturdays, but also including a residential weekend in November at thediocesan retreat house, Holland House. The course will be run by the RevdsTom Fish and Alicia Baker in the north, and by the Revds Mark Badger and GlennReading in the south.
Ministryleadership teams would find the course useful to help think about new ways toengage with their local communities. Sessions will include discussions, videosand hands-on activities based on themes such as mission, vision and values,community engagement, Gospel and culture.
RevdTom Fish, highlighted the importance of new ways of working, saying, FreshExpressions are the fastest growing part of the Church of England, reachingpeople and communities that existing churches cannot.
Findout more about the Mission-Shaped Ministry course on the diocesan website. Tobook a place on the course, please email training@cofe-worcester.org.uk.