Last Tuesday, Martin Gorick officially became thenext Bishop of Dudley after being ordained and consecrated as a bishop by theArchbishop of Canterbury in a special service at Southwark Cathedral.
In the service, the Archbishop explained the role ofa bishop as one who is called to serve and care for the flock of Christ; tonurture Gods people in the life of the Spirit and lead them in the way ofholiness and to proclaim the gospel boldly, confront injustice and work forrighteousness and peace in all the world.
Martin was presented for this new ministry by thebishops of Worcester and Oxford. He was prayed for by bishops from throughoutthe Church of England and anointed with oil by Archbishop Justin. He alsoreceived a bible, an episcopal ring and the Bishops staff that he will use asBishop of Dudley.
Martin said: Im delighted to be joining BishopJohn and the people of Dudley along with all across the Diocese of Worcester aswe discover together how best to be the Church for England in this new decade. Asa Black Country bishop I look forward to the church playing its part in theregeneration of Britains heartland in the West Midlands, and to working inpartnership with all people of good will
At the service Martin was joined by colleagues fromWorcester as well as his sending Diocese of Oxford where he had most recentlybeen Archdeacon. There were also other friends and family present fromthroughout his life. The sermon was given by the Bishop of Hull, Alison Whitewho talked about meeting Martin when he was first ordained as a curate.
Martin will be formally welcomed to the Diocese ofWorcester on Saturday 22 February at a service at Top Church, Dudley at 4pm andthen installed in Worcester Cathedral at Evensong at 4pm on Sunday 23 February.His ministry in the Diocese will begin after these services.
All are welcome to theservices to welcome Martin to the Diocese in February. If you would like toattend, please email leonie.andrews@cofe-worcester.org.uk.