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Linking Lives: Addressing loneliness together in moments we encounter each other

Linking Lives logoIt is widely recognised there is a difference between loneliness and social isolation. Social isolation is the absence of social contact, whilst loneliness is a feeling of sadness or anxiety when someone needs company. Each of us respond differently to feeling alone and over the past two years we have witnessed how loneliness can have a devastating impact on our health and wellbeing.   

Linking Lives UK is a national Christian charity, motivated to address loneliness by being alongside Churches, who are connecting with people facing loneliness in their neighbourhoods. Linking Lives UK befriending approach significantly changed due to the pandemic, as social distancing restrictions meant no visiting befriending could take place. Linking Lives UK responded by launching ‘Two’s Company’ telephone befriending framework and over the pandemic, many churches across the UK partnered with Linking Lives UK, as a way of responding to the loneliness crisis, with their volunteers becoming telephone befrienders.

Moving beyond the pandemic, Linking Lives UK are developing innovative ways churches can grow their social action around loneliness. A recent pilot was launched to support church volunteers develop their skills in loneliness awareness conversation, to be used as they help out in foodbanks, coffee morning or other hosted activities. The ‘Good Conversation’ concept is in an addition to the telephone and visiting befriending frameworks. It is a resource for churches wanting to partner with Linking Lives and explore how they can address loneliness for people in their parishes.  Other resources can be located on the website including the ‘Power of One’, a unique resource when talking to those facing isolation. 

Carol our West Midlands Area Development Officer is currently welcoming ideas, as to how we can begin conversations in Worcestershire, with churches or individuals wishing explore how to address loneliness together. To get in touch please email

Published: 5th September 2022
Page last updated: Monday 5th September 2022 2:19 PM

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