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Letter for Parish Magazines from the Archdeacon

Lent will soon be upon us, with its opportunities for takingup spiritual disciplines for a season, doing those things which we know deepdown are good for our spiritual health, but often struggle to commit to. Our culture is increasingly short-term,getting people to sign up for anything which stretches indefinitely into thefuture is challenging, but most of us can manage something for six weeks. And the good news is, research shows it takesabout six weeks to form a habit!

So which Lenten discipline might we consider in 2020?What is going to be of most benefit for ourgrowth as disciples of Jesus, as kingdom people? For some of us it may be goodto take up something new, like joining a Lent study group in our church, or committingto daily bible readings in one of the many excellent resources available.Others will want to fast from something forthe entire season, or a day a week.Thismay be physical fasting from food, or alcohol or chocolate, or perhaps alifestyle fast, cutting out social media or TV. The key thing is that all these disciplines serve to help us focus moreon God, making some space in our lives to pray and listen to him.Perhaps we may simply want to do something weare already doing, but more intentionally and regularly, with more focus,giving a little more time and effort to it.

Discipline is hard work! If our souls, bodies or minds arenot stretched by our Lenten endeavours, we are probably not being disciplinedenough. I am learning a great deal aboutphysical discipline as I undertake training for running my first marathon atthe end of April. The fact that so manylovely supporters are sponsoring me to raise funds for the Childrens Societymeans I have further incentive to keep going, but on a cold and wet day,getting my running shoes on is all about discipline, mind over matter, doingwhat I have committed to, however it feels.Sometimes it is inconvenient, sometimes it hurts, but I know that I haveto keep going, or I will never complete the race before me.

Often when I run, God reveals to me how spiritualdisciplines can be similar to physical ones.Routine, habit, consistency are all the staples for health and fitnesswhether that is in our physical or spiritual life.I will be praying on my ever-longer runs, andusing that space away from the phone and email to build my relationship withGod, asking him to show me where I need better patterns in my spiritualdisciplines to grow closer to him.

My hope is that my new running regime wont stop at theLondon Marathon finish line, and that (after a suitable rest!), I will maintainmy new level of fitness.I hope and praytoo that all of us who take up new spiritual disciplines for Lent will build healthyhabits which stay with us and help us mature as followers of Jesus will beyondHoly Week.Just like my running, theywill require effort, and also appropriate rest!

Published: 6th January 2020
Page last updated: Monday 6th January 2020 2:54 PM

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