In the church's 80th birthday week, Holy Innocents' in Kidderminster was proud to acceptthe retiring standard of the Royal British Legion Womens SectionWorcestershire County. Hazel Gandy, Vice President of the Section explained:
Thereare not so many of us left now and we are all getting older. It made sense toclose the group and celebrate our achievements together positively. The serviceon Sunday, 8 July was well-attended by our members and we were allvery emotional about saying good bye to our standard.
The Section provided refreshments after the service and thecongregation enjoyed meeting the women and their families.
Heather Prangley, a member of the congregation said:
Whenever I visit cathedrals and oldchurches my eyes are drawn to the retired flags and standards and I wonderabout their history. Holy Innocents' now has one ofits own to love and cherish. Thank you for honouring us with your retiringstandard. It is in safe hands in Gods keeping