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'Hidden Sentence' training at HMP Hewell

Children whoare affected by having a family member in prison are often anxious about theirloved ones and arrive at the prison bewildered and overwhelmed. Specialist Playworkers allay any fears children may have regarding the visit/searchprocedures. Children find it difficult to speak to anyone about their innermostfeelings surrounding their fathers imprisonment for fear of upsetting theirmother/carer. They may have witnessed the arrest and feel frightened, possiblyharbouring feelings of guilt and isolation or suffering from the stigma ofhaving a parent in prison. Experienced play workers supervise play areas duringvisits and can offer a listening ear to children visiting their fathers orother male role models here at Hewell. Within the Visitors Centre, FamilySupport Workers meet and greet families visiting and offer them supportdepending on their needs.

Hidden Sentence training addresses all of theseissues and gives the attendees an insight into the life of each family memberaffected by prison, seeing life from their perspective.

Working in partnership with Mothers Union, the training aims tobridge the gap between prisoners in HMP Hewell and their children and familiesin the community and offer a more cohesive approach to families affected byimprisonment.

It is notoriously difficult to identify children especiallywithin schools/settings unless the family have brought the incarceration totheir attention. Hidden Sentence helps you to be aware of children who may beaffected and traumatised by their male role model being brought into prison andillustrates how you can help to make their visit less traumatic.

The Rainbow Project is offering a Hidden Sentence* daystraining course at HMP Hewell on Wednesday11 July, 9am - 3.30 pm. A buffet lunch is included but please let us know of anydietary requirements. 

More information and application form for the Hidden Sentence Training

*Hidden Sentence isa well - known training course developed by Action for Prisoners andOffenders Families for professionals whose work brings them in contact withprisoners families, including childrens centre workers, troubled familiesworkers, school staff, play workers, health visitors, and family interventionteams. This course gives a clear overview of the issues facing prisonersfamilies and provides a range of strategies and resources to help you supportthem

Published: 12th May 2018
Page last updated: Saturday 12th May 2018 8:10 PM

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