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Help with fundraising

The Parishof Malvern Link with Cowleigh has been developing one of its churches into anArts Church over the last year, and as part of this project has had to do quitea significant amount of fundraising. Using a variety of online tools the parishhas been researching different possible funders and grant making trusts butit has been particularly helpful to make use of the DSC Funds Online website

This is asubscription service, but the DSC (who still publish the Directory of GrantMaking Trusts) have long been one of the key organisations mapping andcataloguing the trust landscape in the UK. Using this tool, Malvern Link with Cowleigh hasapplied for over 12,000 in funding and has been able to attract nearly 8,000.As well as identifying which funds to apply for, it has also avoidedwasting valuable time applying for funds which wouldnt be suitable.

The DSCwebsite is continually updated with key document details for every Grant MakingTrust in the country, along with who they have previously funded, the interestsof the trustees and whether or not they will fund churches. The Vicar ofMalvern Link with Cowleigh, Phillip Johnson, said:

"The ability toaccess this online database has meant that are able to focus our fundraisingeffectively, and in particular access small grant making trusts that dont figure in most of the other lists."

More details of the Arts Church project canbe found at The DSC Funds Online website is at:

If you would be interested in setting up a joint subscription to the DSC Funds Online website with Malvern Link with Cowleigh, please contact Phillip Johnson

Published: 17th March 2019
Page last updated: Sunday 17th March 2019 7:14 PM

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