Over 120 church school leaders from the Diocese of Worcestercame together for the annual Headteachers and Senior Leaders Conference, heldat Stanbrook Abbey on Friday 19 October. The theme of Good Mental Health andWell-being for All, provided delegates with a chance to consider their ownmental health, as well as that of those they teach, lead and support in school.
The day began with worship and reflection led by theArchdeacon of Worcester, Robert Jones, giving delegates space ahead of a full,but rewarding day. Throughout the day, the opportunity for 1:1 prayer andreflection was offered by the Revd Jo and Shahne Vickery.
The Archdeacon of Worcester, Robert Jones, said, At thestart of the day we tried to make a space for our headteachers to hear fromGod, just how valued and loved each of them are.
Key-note speeches were delivered by the Ethical LeadershipCommission, the Centre for Appearance Research, HeartSmart and the Self-EsteemTeam, covering a range of topics related to mental health and well-being.
These people are on the front line in our schools, Robert continued. They are working really hard and its brilliant for themto have this opportunity to come together, to hear from experts, but also tohear from each other. Well-being is not just for the children for whom theycare. Well-being is vital for those like these wonderful headteachers and seniorleaders too.
Delegates were invited to explore the days themes and resourcesfurther in the mental health and well-being market-place, where there was alsoan opportunity to meet the key-note speakers. Stalls were included fromnational organisations, including Samaritans and Gendered Intelligence, as wellas from the local area, like Footsteps and Talkthrough.