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God’s Own Acre - commemorating the agricultural year in our church

The Revd Gary Crellin, Rector of the Old Hills parish between Worcester and Malvern is a diocesan Rural Mission Enabler and is looking to encourage collaboration between rural and urban churches. Could you get involved? 

To our rural churches

Chances are, we all do a harvest service, if not three. Do you also plan and deliver either a service for Plough Sunday, Lammas or Rogation? 

If you do, please could you get in touch? As one of the diocesan Rural Mission Enablers I'd like to twin up churches with urban counterparts, if possible, so we can share a greater understanding of farming and the agricultural seasons more widely across the diocese. With Rogation coming up on the 20 May, and rotas no doubt completed, this might be a late call for information sufficient to onward promote, but please let me know. 

The Rural Mission Enablers are looking for a venue for a dedicated Rogation Service during the season. If you are interested in hosting a service, please also get in touch. This will help build up a resource for the Enablers and the Chaplaincy for Agricultural and Rural Life (CARL) to draw upon for venues and trialling resources.

To our more Urban churches across the Diocese

Would you like to buddy up and twin with a rural church? Perhaps reciprocal services can be planned in each church in the twinning arrangement? How can the "twins" work together to promote a greater appreciation of the urban by the rural, and rural by the urban? 

In the Church Tent at the Three Counties Show, many church schools perform in this agricultural setting, building up relationships. It might be that these relationships can be deepened. Again, please contact me if you'd like to participate. 

Coming soon - the Rural Mission Enablers will be hosting some form of event at the Clergy Conference in September. 

Can we help? We have access to a number of committee members who could add another dimension to your harvest preaching. If you would like a visiting preacher or speaker for a service or church event, please contact me.

Gary Crellin: / 01905 830270

Published: 27th February 2020
Page last updated: Wednesday 20th May 2020 4:39 PM

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