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Fundraising cookbook for Morogoro

A new cookbook israising funds for Mission Morogoro, a Worcestershire based charity whichsupports projects in our partner diocese of Morogoro in Tanzania, East Africa. 

Rebuilding a Tunguli ChurchIn 2016 astorm devastated the church building in Tunguli, a village in Morogoro. Thevillagers have managed to fund and build new church foundations andMission Morogoro's fundraising has helped them to build low walls. With thiscookbook we hope to be able to raise enough funds to help the people of Tungulicomplete their church.

Freda from Tunguli
The book itself,Kushiriki (which means "sharing" in Swahili), features 60 recipes ofboth savoury and sweet dishes, all intended to be shared and enjoyed together.The recipes fit into four categories: Al fresco dining; meals with familyand friends; celebrations; coffee mornings and afternoon teas. There are recipes from Morogoro, including sharing bread and tomato soup recipes from Freda who cooksfor the Mission Morogoro team when they visit the area. 

Mission Morogoro recipe book

Bishop John has kindly contributed a foreword for the cookbook which, as he says, combines three sources of great enjoyment for him: Africa; sharing; and food glorious food.

The cost of the book is 10 and at least 5 from each book will go to Mission Morogoro for the rebuilding of the church and other projects. There is a launch event on Friday 30 November at 7.30pm at Stock & Bradley Village Hall. Come along and have a taste of 25 dishes that are in the cookbook. It will also be on sale on 24 November at Stoke Prior Church.

To place an order for the Kushiriki Cookbook please and use the form below or phone01527 861247.

The charity will do their best to deliver them but if necessary, the postage will be 3.00. Cheques may be made payableto Parish Activities and sent to A. Kovacevic, Springbank Worcester Road, Wychbold Droitwich WR9 7PF or youmay pay direct into the bank account.

Please could I have .KushirikiCook to ..I enclose my cheque with the order/or will paydirect into the HSBC Parish Activities 40-15-07 41338250

If you are not able to deliver them, I will be happy to collect from St.Michaels Church Stoke Prior B60 4JT or I am happy to pay 3 for them to beposted to.

Published: 15th November 2018
Page last updated: Thursday 15th November 2018 11:10 AM

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