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Education Sunday 2019

There are 100 Church of England schools in the Diocese,educating approximately 22,500 children and young people across Dudley andWorcestershire. All schools ensure they offer a curriculum that is rich, broad,deep and engaging, whilst church schools in particular ensure that they have afocus on spiritual growth and character development.

Diocesan Director of Education, Dr Margaret James, said:Church schools have been reaffirmed over the last two decades as being at theheart of the Churchs service to the nation. The call for church schools is forthem to serve local communities in such a way that brings hope and aspiration,within an ethos characterised by respect. Inspired by the words of Jesus inJohns Gospel, church schools are places in which every child is helped to livean abundant life.

Parishes can support local church and non-church schoolcommunities in many ways. You could take part in the pray, bake, readinitiative (praying intentionally for your local school, baking a cake forstaff each half term and offering to read with a student). Perhaps you couldhelp with worship, assemblies, or confirmation preparation? Or maybe supportthe staff and children pastorally, or the school strategically, by becoming achurch school Foundation Governor. What else could your parish realisticallybegin in order to nurture relationships with your local schools? Why not talkto other parishes within your deanery, perhaps even working together to engageseveral local schools in one worship event.

For help and advice on working more closely with your localschool, contact the Diocesan Education team on

Published: 6th August 2019
Page last updated: Tuesday 9th June 2020 7:00 PM

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