Duringthe past month Northleigh Primary School, from Malvern, has achieved doublesuccess.
SIAMs Success
Last month Northleigh received a 'good' SIAMs inspection. Whilst primarily focusing on the school'sChristian distinctiveness, the inspection recognised the school's significantimprovements in all areas during this academic year.
The report said:
"Northleigh is a warm and welcoming Christian community. The school has a clear vision which is coupled with well-selected Christian values and a set of distinct learning values. Pupils display positive attitudes about worship, with one pupil explaining that its such a good way to connect with God [and] parents speak favourably about the school's celebration services which are held at the parish churches. The children learn about and explore diversity, as well as Christianity as a multicultural world faith. As a result, children display positive attitudes towards all members of the school community and the wider world. The senior leaders' Christian vision for the school is clear [and] the schools Christian values...are already having a significant impact on the whole community."
Sporting achievement
Northleigh wasalso awarded 'Sports School of the Year' at the prestigious Malvern HillsCommunity awards last week. Northleigh was praised for its 'open and inclusiveapproach to sports provision, which ensures that a significant number of pupilshave regularly represented their school.' Northleigh has won a significantnumber of sporting achievements during this year and are currently WestWorcestershire champions for football, netball and Tag Rugby.
Stuart Busby, whohas been acting head of Northleigh since September stated:
"I am pleased thatthe improvements that were identified by Ofsted in November have becomeembedded and allowed us to continue to develop the whole child of Northleigh. Iam very proud of all the children here and I know the schools will build onthese strengths next year."