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Diocesan Office restructuring update

As many of you will be aware,there has been some re-organisation at the Diocesan Office. This provides anupdate on the outcomes of some of this, although a couple of elements are stillundergoing consultation.This post willbe updated from time to time as more information becomes available.

Lay Development and Discipleship Officer

Doug Chaplin has been appointedto the role of Lay Development and Discipleship Officer. This role arises as aresult of amalgamating the Vocations and Training Officer role and the MissionDevelopment Officer role. Sadly as a consequence, Sarah Fenby's role willbecome redundant. The Diocese is grateful for all that shescontributed during the past eighteen months, including making a significantdifference to the vocation of a number of our ordinands and potentialordinands. Sarah will leave the DBF at the beginning of October.

Old Palace occupancy

Diocesan Synod discussed the future occupancy of the DBF in the Old Palace at its meeting on 2 July. 

The Synod took this decision veryseriously and there was good and lengthy debate at which a range of verypassionate views were expressed. An amendment to the original motion wasproposed and this was accepted by Synod. As a result, Synod decided that weshould give notice to end our current lease in September 2020, but seek toenter into a new agreement with the Dean and Chapter, covering only those partsof the building occupied by the DBF alone. Synod has also determined thatalternative office accommodation should only be sought if it can be confirmedthat it will benefit the Diocese and realise very substantial savings in thelong term.

We may or may not be able toreach a new agreement with the Dean and Chapter, but will seek to do so overthe coming months. 

Ecumenical Officer

Whave sadly had to make DavidRyans role as Ecumenical Officer redundant as no alternative solution withinthe DBF could be found during consultation. We are grateful to David for allthe work he has done during his time at the DBF - he will continue to work inthe diocesan office until the end of September. We wish him well as he looksfor other opportunities, especially in exploring a possibility that a morebroadly based ecumenical role might be found.  


We have now concluded the administrative restructuring and I ampleased to inform you of the following changes:

Judith Nex Judith has accepted the new role of Pastoral andGovernance Secretary to take effect from 1 August 2019. Judith will continue to report in to me and will undertake work relating toPastoral Re-organisation, the running of Committees, elements of the DBFCompany Secretariat, and some oversight of the Diocesan Database (from theOffice Manager role).

Emma Woollaston Emma has accepted the new role of Executive Assistantto the Diocesan Secretary, the Director of Ministry and Discipleship and theDirector of Ordinands to take effect from 1 August 2019. Shewill also oversee the events programme, and management of events.

We are currently advertising the new role of Training and Events Administrator to report toEmma. This will be a term-time only position (plus 3 weeks) and will befor 21 hours per week.

Childrens Officer

I am really pleased to informyou that the consultation process has made a real difference to shaping theoutcome regarding the Childrens Officer role. We have found a way ofre-shaping the role, and Emma Pettifer has accepted the role ofChildrens Officer (term-time only) and will continue to report to the Directorof Ministry and Discipleship.

Church Buildings Team

Following the consultation, therole of Secretary / Administrator to the Church Buildings Team has been maderedundant and we have sadly said goodbye to Jacci Hunt after 16 years ofservice.

The consultation document sharedthrough a previous bulletin included additional information regarding theChurch Buildings team and I am pleased to inform you that Pat Evemywill be joining the team (three days per week) in the role of Assistant ChurchBuildings Officer from 1 July 2019. Pat comes to us fromLichfield diocese where she worked in their Church Buildings team. Shewill join Kate Andrew and both roles will cover the entire diocese, withLInC (Lower Income Community) funding allocated whenever they work with LInCparishes.


We recently advertised the roleof Project Finance Officer to provide finance support to the SDF projects, andto provide project finance support to the new Director of Finance in developingthe DBFs financial operations. I am pleased to inform you that JoBurr will be taking on this role from 1 July, initially on atemporary basis to see how the role shapes up.

Old Palace

Regarding the decision about theDBFs tenancy of the Old Palace I can confirm that this is on the agenda forSynod on 2 July. We will update you on this as soon aswe can after that date.

Once again, I would like to thank you for your support duringthis difficult period. The thoughts and prayers of the wider diocese have beenmuch appreciated. This continues to be an extremely painful time for us all asan organisation and our thoughts remain particularly with those whose roles arestill at risk of redundancy.

John Preston, Diocesan Secretary

Published: 26th July 2019
Page last updated: Friday 26th July 2019 7:21 AM

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