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Dick Johnson - workplace chaplain

Last year, the Revd Dick Johnson became the first Joint LeadChaplain for both West Mercia Police and Hereford & Worcester Fire andRescue Service, alongside continuing to work with Faith and Work inWorcestershire (FWW) part-time. Based mainly at the Police Headquarters atHindlip, between Worcester and Droitwich (to which the Fire and Rescue Service HQwill also soon be moving), Dick provides chaplaincy to both services workingwith teams of volunteer chaplains.

Dick said: I have always enjoyed chaplaincy so working withboth Services is an exciting opportunity. The two services are increasinglyworking more closely together so it makes sense to have a joint chaplain whocan understand the stresses, anxieties and the joys of both. They have a lot incommon.

Dick began chaplaincy with the Fire Service in 2007 as partof his work as Industrial Missioner with FWW.The work was valued to the extent that the Service has now allocated fundsto a partnership with West Mercia Police that employs Dick for three days aweek, with Dick taking over the Police role from the Ven. Ron Hesketh whoretired in 2017. Much of my role isabout listening, Dick said. Quite often Im talking to staff about what isworrying them and it has little, apparently, to do with God and faith. But ofcourse it does, as the work of emergency services, with all its tragedy andsuccess, is very much part of Gods world. Its about being a Christianpresence keeping the rumour of God alive in a largely secular world. Aparticularly important part of my role is to provide support to crews who havebeen to difficult incidents giving them the opportunity to talk through thatexperience with someone independent and process what theyve seen.

Dick is also responsible for recruiting, placing andsupporting teams of volunteer chaplains for both services, as well as thebroader work of FWW in other workplaces across the county. Being a chaplain isan accredited volunteer role in the Police Service, with chaplains undertaking eighthours visiting a month in a local station and supporting the staff there. The volunteerchaplains have a very important role and training is provided. We work inpartnership with congregations from which volunteers come. This is part of theirministry as a church, and all about their mission in their community. We arealways looking for more partner churches and volunteers!

The Joint Chaplain role makes up 60% of Dicks time, withthe other 40% funded by the five denominations involved in Faith at Work inWorcestershire. Im a full time Chaplain with a number of portfolios, saidDick. Its challenging, but immensely fulfilling and enjoyable.

Published: 14th March 2018
Page last updated: Wednesday 14th March 2018 2:16 PM

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