Christians from every denomination will be joining togetherin the ruins of Dudley Priory on Sunday 20 May at 2.30pm to pray for the lifeof the Borough and give thanks to God for all who live and work there.
The event marks Pentecost, a Christian festival whichcelebrates when the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus followers and is oftenconsidered the birthday of the Christian church and the start of the churchsmission in the world. Led by the Bishop of Dudley and other local churchleaders, there will be a short service and a number of prayer activitiessuitable for both adults and children.
The Bishop of Dudley, Graham Usher, said:
Dudley Priory was originally a place of Christian prayer and witness making it a perfectlocation for us to gather together as Christians and praise the God we love. Wewill being praying for those who live or work across Dudley Borough, as well asasking for Gods blessing on the real impact Christians have when we worktogether to serve our neighbours.
The Praying forDudley event is part of Thy Kingdom Come, which began as a simpleinvitation to prayer from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016, buthas since blossomed into a global movement bringing together hundreds ofthousands of Christians from across the globe to pray for more people to cometo know the amazing love of Jesus Christ during the 11-day period fromAscension Day to Pentecost. In 2017 alone, more than 85 countries rangingfrom Canada to Australia, South Sudan to Japan - took part and it is hoped thatthis year, even greater numbers of individuals, families and churches will beinvolved.
All are welcome to join the celebration in Priory Park on Sunday20 May from 2.30 4pm. The event has been organised by an ecumenical team ofchurches in Dudley at the Bishop of Dudleys invitation.