At this years ChurchTent, visitors to the Three Counties Show can enjoy a fresh cup of tea, coffeeor hot chocolate on the showground along with a bacon buttie, panini orhome-made cake, whilst taking part in free family activities, enjoyingentertainment on the stage or simply sitting down to take time out from thebusy-ness of the show!
The stage outside the church tent will be buzzingthroughout the weekend, with performances from our church schools, localmusicians and the Worcester Ukulele Club Band. There will also be a chance to comeand sing on Sunday at 3pm joining in with some of the classic hymns youmight remember from your school assemblies!
Thisyears families area will be all about peace. There will be a chance to make some freecrafts to take home with you, offer a prayer and create a dove of peace to addto our installation inside the tent! Outside the tent there will be giant gamesto enjoy.
SamSetchell, part of the planning team for the show, said: The Church tent is agreat place to take a break while visiting the show. While the children areentertained you can sit and enjoy a cup of coffee, hot chocolate or fair-tradetea and a slice of home-made cake or freshly made panini. There will be a rangeof books and other pocket-money gifts to browse as well as the opportunity tosay a quiet prayer or talk to one of our chaplains.
TheChurch Tent will be located on the corner of Avenue C and Row 3 at this yearsThree Counties Show, next door to the Orchid tent. Bacon sandwiches will beserved all day, along with filled paninis at lunchtime and home-made cake/afternoon tea. There will also be worship each day at 7.45am and 4.45pm.