Localschoolchildren up to 11 years of age are being invited to put on their thinkingcaps to draw or paint their favourite things for this years Bish Bosh BashSummer Fete.
The art competition is one of the many popular elements in Bishamptonsannual summer fete, now in its third year, which takes place on Saturday 14 July in andaround the grounds of St James Bishampton, a pretty 12th Centuryvillage church.
Awards will be presented on the day for Best in class, Highly Recommended and Bestuse of Materials.
Tim King, who is organising the competition said: Church Lench andFlyford Flavell First schools are taking part in the competition, but anyone ofthe right age who goes to another school is very welcome to enter. Lastyear we had over 140 entries so were hoping to match or even beat that numberthis time.
Entrants are free to choose their own subject so it could be for example a favouritesport, hobby, animal, dinosaur, band, food, car, bike, doll, my family, myvillage etc. The winning entries will be displayed in thechurch on the day and the organisers are aiming get all the entries shown one way oranother so everyone can see them.
Queries about the art competition should be addressed to Tim Kingon 01386 462077 or email: tim@timothyking.plus.com.The closing date for entries is Friday 6 July.
Meanwhile Bishamptons own baking bonanza is also inviting entrants,both adults and children can have a go at making and winning - a 2018Bishcuit to become this years champion confectionary makers.
Bish Bosh Bash, kindly sponsored this year by Vetric, The VCTCharitable Trust and Smartcut, is taking place from 1 - 4.30 pm and willfeature entertainment from Worcester Concert Brass, Morris Dancing, a Fun DogShow, Classic Cars, as well as a wide variety of traditional and novel stalls,childrens activities, and stunning floral displays. Visitors can enjoy amouthwatering choice of hot and cold refreshments and enter the Grand Rafflefor some tempting prizes including a weeks self catering holiday in Aberdovey.
Entry to the event is free. There will be designated parkingareas and spaces for the disabled throughout the village.
For information about the event, please contact Martin Dickinson on01386 462733; email mjfdickinson@btinternet.com; or Lesley Miller on 07854 362318; email lesleymiller3451@gmail.com.
*Entry forms for the art competition can be found at the Village Storesin Bishampton. It is open to all school children up to 11 years old asfollows:-
Class 1: children up to 6years of age.
Class 2: 6-8yrs
Class 3: 9 -11yrs
All entries to be on A4 size paperusing pencil, crayon, paint or any other materials. Entrants should write theirname and age on 15 July 2018,and school [or contact details] on the back of their work. Entries for the artcompetition have to be handed into school or to the Village Stores by thedeadline of Friday 6 July. The judges decision isfinal.