The Church Hall in Headless Cross is changing its name toThe Bridge Church Community Hall to reflect the name of the church itself. TheBridge Church was established over ten years ago with the merger of St LukesCE Church and Headless Cross Methodist Church through a Local EcumenicalPartnership. Following the complete refurbishment of the hall last year, theChurch Council felt having a new name would provide greater clarity in thelocal community.
The Revd Glenn Reading, Church of England Minister, said: TheBridge Church has a strong identity in our community and changing the name ofour hall seemed like another positive step forward in the journey of our church.The Bridge Church Community Hall represents who we are as a church and ourshared vision to serve the people of Headless Cross.
The Revd Ruth Wilson, Methodist Minister, said: The hall iswell used by church groups and activities, external community groups and individualshiring the hall for social occasions. Every Thursday and Friday it becomes acaf and charity shop run by the Bridge Church. The recent extension andrefurbishment has significantly improved the facilities and adopting a new namemarks a new chapter in the life of the hall as well as linking it moreexplicitly with our church.
The Bridge Church was formed following a Local EcumenicalPartnership between the Anglican and Methodist congregations in Headless Crosswho joined together as one worshipping community in the Church of Englandschurch building. St Lukes Memorial Hall was originally built in 1927 when alocal businessman paid for it to be built adjacent to the old Rectory in memoryof his wife who was a prominent member of the church. This hall was demolishedwith Redditch New Town was being developed with the current hall being built bythe New Town Development Corporation as a replacement. The new name of TheBridge Church Community Hall has been adopted following discussion in theBridge Church on the most appropriate name.