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Celebrating the Mothers' Union

Mothers' Union logoThe life of the founder of Mothers' Union, Mary Sumner is remembered on 9 August. 

For nearly 150 years, the Mothers’ Union nationally has been engaged in raising awareness of social injustices – and in offering practical, prayerful and loving help to those in need. In the Diocese of Worcester, the MU was affiliated in 1913.

There is still a need to highlight social injustice and to provide loving Christian care to those families facing adversity. The MU has over 460 members across the Diocese who show their faith in action. These are men and women who are fathers or mothers, men and women who have no children, who are married, divorced, single.

Our actions are very much led and driven by prayer. It might be knitting the hundreds of little teddies produced annually, or dementia knee rugs or prayer squares or baby clothes. It might be supporting our overseas work, which makes such a fundamental social difference in poorer nations. It might be highlighting the social outrages of domestic abuse or modern slavery in this country. Many non-members support our work, our aims, our church services. Membership is open to all baptised into a trinitarian Christian faith – but you can also be a Friend of the Mothers Union!

Mary Sumner's personal prayer:

All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee: and every life I touch, do thou by thy spirit quicken, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I breathe, or the life I live. Amen

Published: 10th July 2024
Page last updated: Wednesday 10th July 2024 3:25 PM

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