Last weekend saw a number of celebrations of Pentecost acrossthe Diocese and the culmination of the ten days of Prayer for Thy Kingdom Comewith major events in both Dudley and Worcester.
Praying for Dudley
In Dudley, around 150 people gathered in the Priory Parkruins to worship God together and pray for the life of the Borough.
Those who braved the uncertain weather were treated to asketch on prayer from the Saltmine Theatre Group and sang a number ofwell-known songs led by Vie Watson and a small group of singers and keyboardistChris Smith.
Leaders of differentchurches from across the Borough shared a short testimony on prayer before wesplit into smaller groups to pray for different aspects of our lives in thearea. Oatcakes were shared as a sign of being part of Christs Church in DudleyBorough together before the leaders came to the front to bless everyonegathered.
The service finished as the rain began to come down againand those present dispersed, taking with them flags as a reminder to continue topray for the local area.
Alive Worcestershire
In Worcester, the first of two events at the UniversityArena was a concert for children and their families. Over 500 people sang anddanced their way through a very special celebration, led by Shell Perris and iSingPop.
The families loved the glow sticks and beach balls that wereon offer and heard more about what it means to be a Christian. At the end ofthe concert, there was a chance for the young people to give their lives toChrist and over 100 came forward! It is hoped that Alive Worcestershire willtake place three times a year, with the next concert happening in October.
Thy Kingdom ComeWorcestershire
It was a quick turnaround at the Arena with the final eventfor Pentecost taking place at 7.30pm. Around 1,500 people packed into the venue coming together to pray for more people to come to faith in the County.
The evening was opened in prayer by Bishop John after whichworship was led by the All Saints worship band joined on some songs by theSalvation Army. Those present were encouraged to see their prayers take flightas they wrote them on paper which was turned into an aeroplane and flown acrossthe room. At the end these were taken home to be prayed by someone else.
We were also treated to an inspirational talk by theevangelist, Canon J John who reinforced the importance of sharing our faith withothers around us in whatever way we feel God is asking us to do so. At theend of the evening, church leaders from across the city took to the stage tolead us in prayer as the Arena sang a taize chant.