On 12 July, the deanery of Pershore & Evesham held a Celebration of Ministries Service at St Peter's, Bengeworth.
Deanery Secretary, Alison Sandham, writes:
"It was a uplifting and joy filled service where thanks were given for the incredibly wide ranging ministries which people undertake on behalf of the church.
"People were encouraged to bring along a symbol of the role which they fulfil. There were bibles, flowers, hymn books, keys, a screw driver, a plate, as well as a plastic ear, an animal mask and a bed pan! The service included a mix of traditional hymns and more contemporary music led by the talented team from St Peter's.
Archdeacon Robert Jones was wonderfully positive and encouraging in his sermon, as the deanery looks to the future based on its many and varied talents."
Well done to all involved!