It is with sadness that we announcethe death of the Revd Canon Matthew Baynes, Rector of Bredon as well as Overburyw Teddington, Alstone & Little Washbourne w Beckford &Ashton-under-Hill, after living with cancer for the last couple of years.
Matthew, 56, suffered from kidneydisease for many years and in 2015, his wife Bryony donated one of her kidneysto him. The operation went well, but in recent years Mathew contracted oesophageal cancer. Matthew has been Rector of Bredon since 1999, during which time he alsoserved as Rural Dean and Associate Chaplain for Agriculture and Rural Life aswell as becoming a diocesan representative on General Synod and an HonoraryCanon of Worcester Cathedral. He was ordained in the Diocese of London, servingin Berkhamsted before coming to the Diocese of Worcester in 1995 to be Vicar ofChrist Church in Coseley. His wife Bryony is headteacher of Kempsey PrimarySchool and they have three children who are all in their twenties Bronwen,Megan and David.
The Bishop of Worcester, DrJohn Inge, said: Matthew was an outstanding priest who was much loved andrespected by all those who knew him, including myself. It has been a privilegeto minister with him and be alongside him during his final illness. Matthew wasinspirational in his faith, hope and love to the last. I pray he will bewelcomed into the loving arms of the God he served so faithfully. My thoughtsand prayers are with his wife Bryony and children, Bronwen, Megan and David, intheir terrible loss.
Matthews funeral will take place at 1 on Saturday 20 October in Bredon church. There will also be acelebration of the Eucharist for him at 10am.