Robert Foskett, 11, has been designing andselling candles to raise money for the School of Joy in Bethlehem. The KingsSchool pupil has raised over 800 which he will send to the school through theFriends of the Holy Land charity.
In 2016, Robert sent some pocket money he hadsaved (which was doubled by his Grandma) along with some toys to the school fordisabled children in Palestine. These were given to the school by Bishop Johnwhen he visited on an Ecumenical Pilgrimage with pilgrims from the Diocese of Worcesterand the Catholic Parishes within the deaneries of Birmingham Archdiocese inWorcester.
In March 2017, Father Fr Mamdouh Abusada,Director of the School of Joy, visited Worcester and Robert went to hear himtalk about the school and the people of Palestine. It was after this visit thatRobert came up with the idea of selling candles to raise more money.
Robert said: Last summer we went to IKEA andbought a truckload of candles. I have been using the top layer of a papernapkin to decorate the candles, using special glue, which I get in Germany (itis a popular German craft). I have called my enterprise Kerzen mit Herzen,literally candles with hearts. Sales have gone very well, better than Iimagined, and if I can find more places to have a stall this Summer/ Christmas, I should be able to continue raising money for the school.
By May this year Robert had made 830 from thesales of his candles. Bishop John then suggested that Robert contact Jim QuinnChairman of Friends of the Holy Land in Worcester who are the chief financialsupporters of the School for Joy.
Robert continued: Originally I thought aboutsponsoring a child at the school, but then I wondered whether the money couldbe used for a project or item that they urgently need, so that I can tell thevarious church congregations who have supported me what the money has been usedfor. People have been really interested in the School of Joy, and I think thatit would be quite exciting for them to know how they have helped and made adifference.
The Friends contacted FrAbusada who promptly identified a need for some artificial grass. He wrote: Robert is a talented man. I call him man, not boy. I am praying for Robert. I would like to call him Angel, if he allow for me to do so. We wouldlike to install some good artificial grass in our front garden to make it safe,clean and look beautiful for our children. We used to have artificial grass butit was very thin and the students tore it, so we need to fix a thick and strongone, in order to stay for a long time and to protect the children from harm. Wewill call it Roberts garden.
With$1,200 the School for Joy will be able to cover 60 square metres; one corner oftheir garden. However, the whole area is 169 sq. meters to cover itall, the total cost would be $3,380 (approx 2,500 at $1.35 = 1.)
Robert said: This is a great proposal. Ive now got atarget to get the whole area covered in astro turf to benefit the greatestnumber of children for the longest period of time.
On28 June, Robert handed a cheque for 830 to Jim Quinn to pass onto the School for Joy.