The latest edition in our Called to Action series looks at Rogation and how No Mow May might help us to make a difference to our environment.
May is a time of sowing and growing.
Rogation is when we ask for God’s blessing on our fields planted with crops. Rogation services are particularly moving when held on farms or outside.
Why not let some grassed areas at home or in the church yard grow out in May and see what appears?
Changing your mowing routine, allowing plants to flower in your lawn can create enough nectar for ten times more bees and other pollinators, and encourage insects and invertebrates.
- Find a Rogation service taking place near you or follow the Diocesan service provided by CARL (Chaplaincy for Agriculture & Rural Life)
- Walk the bounds of your parish noting the wilded habitats, and cultivated land.
- Participate in No Mow May and count the species of flowers which emerge.
- Plan an area in churchyard or garden where you will let the grass grow longer.
Taking action on ‘No Mow May’ and joining in Rogationtide could support:
- Eco Church (for churches): Worship and Teaching: 1,2,3, Land: 6 and 7, Community and Global: 14
- Creation Care (for households): Worship and Prayer: 1.3, Garden: 3.12, 3.13