The latest edition of small steps to save the planet focusses on Earth Hour.
Earth Hour
8.30pm—9.30pm on Saturday 25 March 2023
Join in an act of solidarity with millions around the world, drawing attention to the nature and climate crises. Switch off as many devices as you can, and take time to pray.
There are lots of environmental worship resources on the Climate Sunday website.
A prayer for Earth Hour:
Living God, renew in us your vision of wholeness; that the rich may restore wealth to the poor, and the poor may share blessings with the rich.
Revive in us a passion for justice; that the tyranny of economic growth be quelled and the whisper of freedom find voice.
Refresh in us our sense of calling; that we may follow Christ in serving others, and live simply with those who simply live.
We offer you now this time; a time when our hearts are open to you, a time when we lift to you our longing for change, our longing for decisive action to protect this fragile earth. Amen
Prayer taken from: Prayer and fast for the climate