By Helen Laird, Calling Young Disciples Mission Enabler:
Sunday 4 June saw the launch of Brick Churchat St Peter's Church in Lapal, Halesowen. We are passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and realised that Sunday mornings are not always the best times to 'do' church as there arenow many other activities (sport, shopping, car boots etc.) which can beengaged with. In addition traditional church may not be everyone's cup oftea. We decided we wanted to do something new and more interactive on a Sunday at4 o'clock and came up with the idea of Brick Church.
With the recent 'Lego' films, TV programmes, the Legostore opening in London, and 'Lego' now being produced for all ages; it seemsthe love of this building block goes on and on. In the films the some ofthe characters are referred to as master builders, these are Lego figures thatcan build things without instructions, being truly creative. These linksled us to consider using the love of Lego to link in with the love of God, touse Lego as a bridge between the community and our truly creative and lovingheavenly Father.
There were 29 of us who gathered for worship. Weshared refreshments together and then went through to the church to see the retelling of The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) in a Godly Play style. After somewondering questions, we had a time to reflect on the story and the questions byengaging with Lego and KNex as well as play dough, craft and art materials.
The reflection time was followed by a five minute who canbuild the tallest tower challenge. There was a lot of competition, theadults enjoyed this as much as the youngsters.
The session came to a close as we each added a Mega blockbrick to the Tower of Babel, to represent the things that separate us from God,Sam then knocked it over smashing it, we prayed that God would smash throughthe things that we had confessed separated us from His loving care.
There was lots of fun, seen in the smiles and chatter,during our time of fellowship together.
Watch Sam knock down the Tower of Babel: