A Christmas Message from the Bishop ofWorcester
Walking down theHigh Street in Worcester these last few days Ive been struck by the busyness:lots of people rushing about doing their Christmas shopping. Theres a sense ofexcitement and anticipation permeating the air and the festive atmosphere has beenincreased by the establishment of a Christmas market in Cathedral Square wheretempting hot snacks are available.
As I observepeople I find myself hoping that they will have a fun at Christmas: it can be awonderful distraction from the problems which beset our nation and the globe,as well as our personal anxieties and troubles. I hope, though, that they willnot be distracted from the truth which lies at its heart - distracted fromdistraction by distraction. Filled with fancy and empty of meaning, as TSEliot put it. I hope that people will see beyond the presents to what theysymbolise. We give presents to symbolise our love and Christmas is about Godslove for us.
As you headsouth along Worcester High Street, the Cathedral is clearly visible beyond theshops and stalls. It stands there four square, as it has done for hundreds ofyears, to symbolise that truth which lies at the heart of Christmas, the truthof Gods love for us shown forth by being born as a human being.
So my hope andprayer for you is that you might be able to enjoy Christmas the fun and thefood and the presents but at the same time not be distracted by them fromthat most wonderful of presents. May you feel Gods love for you in Jesus.
God bless youand a very Merry Christmas to you.
Bishop John.
A Christmasmessage from the Bishop of Dudley
It was a real treat to be in Bethlehem this year when theChristmas tree lights were turned on - it was a joyous time of music, song andfireworks. Manger Square was full of Christian Palestinians as well as theirMuslim neighbours with people united in their delight at being together withinmetres of the place where tradition holds that Jesus was born.
My joy was tempered by the knowledge that around much ofBethlehem is a huge wall. For Palestinians it is a separation wall preventingthem from travelling to their olive groves, or into Jerusalem, without apermit. For Israelis it is a security wall that prevents terrorist attacks.Crossing the checkpoint, with its razor wire, scanners and turnstiles, feels likeentering and leaving a prison.
As with walls in many places, it is a living symbol ofdivision. Whilst providing some security, it perpetuates fear and hatred.
In other places there are those non-physical walls thatdivide communities. Across our Diocese there are huge inequalities of health, employment, andeducational attainment, with many people struggling financially this Christmas.
Our current political debates also put up barriersbetween those who voted in different ways. Our country needs, more than ever,to seek grace and generosity in our political conversation so that there arenot winners and losers, just the flourishing of all.
Those who visited Jesus represented the diversity ofsociety. Mary and Joseph were temporarily homeless and were offered a smellystable round the back of an inn. The shepherds were regarded as beingreligiously unclean but they were given priority boarding. The Magi travelledfrom a distant land carrying their mysterious gifts. Angels sang in praise and joy.
Jesus, both in the crib, and throughout his ministry,death and resurrection, brought people together under a vision of a futurelived as God would have us be. He is the light of the world. His light cannever be divided. Its always breaking through the cracks of our walls andbarriers, bringing hope.
My prayer is that the light and hope of Jesus is yoursthis Christmas.
Bishop Graham.
The countdown to #Christmas in #Bethlehem as the lights are turned on in Manger Square. Awesome joy all around! pic.twitter.com/Fz6LzA9LPZ
Graham Usher (@bishopdudley) December 1, 2018