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Bishop John's Lent appeal 2023

Priest in JuliacaBishop John’s Lent Appeal in 2023 will be for the Anglican Diocese of Peru.

As a country, Peru has had a very turbulent few years. It had one of the world’s highest Covid mortality rates and has experienced considerable political unrest. Strict lockdowns and the financial implications have had a major impact on the Anglican Church. Paying stipends has been difficult, leading to many clergy having to have additional jobs. These pressures have naturally limited what can be done
in terms of ministry and mission in poor areas experiencing multiple problems. Our support helps them in these difficult times.

Peru has had a particularly difficult time recently with violent protests. These started in December when the former president was impeached, and they are ongoing throughout the country. Over 50 people have now died as a result of the protests and the government’s response to them.Soup kitchen

In Juliaca where there have been the highest numbers of casualties, the Revd Luis Vizacarra has been seeking to support those affected by helping provide for soup kitchens for those who are staying near hospitals to support those injured in the protests. He is also trying to help with medical expenses for those who are in hospital and recovering for their injuries.

Bishop John says: “Please do give generously to this year’s Lent appeal. Things are difficult for many in our own country, but they are much worse in our partner diocese of Peru. ‘Our support can help them greatly in difficult times.”

To make a donation:

  • Visit our online giving page
  • Send a cheque payable to Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd to Peru Appeal, Worcester Diocesan Office, 16 Lowesmoor Wharf, Worcester, WR1 2RS.


Published: 3rd February 2023
Page last updated: Friday 28th April 2023 4:53 PM

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