The Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem and Archbishop Justin are encouraging support for the Anglican ministries in Gaza, Palestine and Israel through donations to the Friends of the Holy Land Appeal.
Bishop John has commended this appeal. He writes:
"The situation in Israel and Palestine is heartbreaking. Having been there with our diocesan pilgrimage earlier this year brings home how everyone will be suffering as income from visitors disappears.
I went to Gaza on behalf of Christian Aid six years ago and went to the Anglican hospital which has been so terribly damaged. I described Gaza then as the most depressing place I had ever visited. Now it is a living hell.
Israel has a right to defend itself and prevent heinous attacks by Hamas whilst innocent inhabitants of Gaza must have their human rights respected. We must pray for peace with justice.
I commend to you the Archbishops' Appeal. Please pray and please give."
Donate to the Friends of the Holy Land Appeal