The Bishop of Worcester, Dr John Inge, will again cometogether with the Roman Catholic Archbishop for Birmingham, Bernard Longley andthe Revd Judith Rossall, Methodist Minister and Tutor at The Queens FoundationBirmingham on Saturday 26 October to lead people from across Worcestershire andDudley in a Big Bible Study. All are welcome to the exciting andinnovative event, which will look at the scriptures in interesting andchallenging ways.
The morning will be shaped around praying and studying thebible together. At the start, there will be a brief act of worship and theleaders will gather to light the unity candle. Each leader will then give ashort address or explanation of the chosen biblical text followed by meditationand group discussion. The morning will conclude with another short act ofworship.
The Dean of Worcester, Peter Atkinson, said: This is apopular annual event in the Cathedral for Christians of all traditions acrossWorcestershire and Dudley. Together we will explore biblical texts, listen toand learn from each other and gain a new understanding of Gods Word. Whetheryou are new to the bible or have been studying it for years, there willdefinitely be an opportunity to be refreshed and inspired.
The Bishop of Worcester, Dr John Inge said: Studying theBible is something we can all do together as Christians - we all share adevotion to it as Gods word. The Big Bible Study is a great way to do thiswith colleagues from other Christian traditions as we seek better to understandGods will for us. Im delighted to be one of the leaders of this yearsevent.
All are welcome to come along on the day and there is nocharge to attend. However, for planning purposes, it would be useful if peoplecould register their interest in attending by contacting Susie Arnold on 01905732905 / susiearnold@worcestercathedral.org.uk.
This years Big Bible Study takes place on Saturday26 October, 10am 1pm in Worcester Cathedral.