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Barrier-free belonging - updated Church of England website

Over the past few months, a group has been working to improve the Welcoming Disabled People page on the Church of England website. The new page is titled Barrier-free Belonging and also links to new resources and podcast pages.

On the pages you’ll see a range of language choices, to honour the fact that people have different preferences and perspectives when it comes to talking about disability. The group consisted of people who are living with disabilities and/or work within roles aiding people with disabilities. They have been working hard to pull together new content, pictures and resources that can be used across the church.

Barrier-Free Belonging | The Church of England

This is part of a larger project in improving websites for those who are disabled or living with a disability. Do take a look at the pages to access new resources and podcasts. 

The links have also been added to our own diocesan parish support pages.

Published: 4th August 2021
Page last updated: Wednesday 4th August 2021 4:49 PM

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