Last month, St Michael’s Church in Norton, Stourbridge held a friendship event for their local community under the ‘As One’ initiative launched by Dudley Council.
‘As One’ aims to fill Dudley’s streets with friendliness and encourages people to come together ‘As One’ after the pandemic, building on the spirit of neighbourliness which developed during the lockdowns. Since the launch, 400 banners have been displayed all around Dudley Borough, encouraging friendliness in every street.
St Michael's Church chose two streets which intersect with the church in the middle. Letters were issued and then members of the church knocked on doors offering tickets to the event. The response was very positive with some residents expressing how isolated they had become since the pandemic. Hot drinks and pastries were served in the church which was transformed into a café.
Reporting on the event, Peter Dyson said:
“Twelve residents attended and the feedback from the event has been positive. Everyone who came was invited to the weekly lunch club at the church and one person said see you tomorrow in church. He came!”
Bishop Martin has supported ‘As One’ in Dudley, saying: “The people of Dudley came together in a remarkable way during the first lockdown and as communities we have continued ‘As-One’ ever since. We need to keep looking out for each other as we seek to build a better future for our Borough of Dudley.”