All Saints was packed on Sunday morning as the congregationgathered to officially launch the church as one of two resourcing churches inthe Diocese of Worcester. As aresourcing church, All Saints will receive investment of 2.2m thanks to agrant from the Church Commissioners of the Church of England. This will enablethem to grow their congregation further to better serve the community as wellas work with other churches in the area.
Bishop John was on hand to commission the new resourcingchurches and in his sermon for the feast day of Christ the King, he reflectedon Godly power. He said: Jesus notion of power, kingship and authority iscompletely alien in our world. Jesus gives us the power to love, to be servantsand to give ourselves. Like manychurches, All Saints already has these hallmarks, seen in its work with thefoodbank, debt counselling, street pastors and bringing more people to faith.As a resourcing church, it will be helped and resourced, in order to have avision for the whole city becoming a resource and a blessing to others.
Rich Johnson, Vicar of All Saints said: Its a hugeprivilege to be asked to become a resourcing church and partner with the widerdiocese. Being officially designated as a resourcing church will be an excitingopportunity to be innovative and to help find ways to do church and be churchto the city and wider area so that we can see more people discover faith. Overthe next few years, we will be working with the Diocese to plant new churches,work in partnership to revitalise existing churches and share our resources sothat the whole church in Worcester might flourish.
The Diocese of Worcester has received funding to establishtwo resourcing churches All Saints in Worcester and St Thomas and St Luke(Top Church) in Dudley. This is part of a national strategy from the Church ofEngland to bring more people to faith and continue to serve our localcommunities effectively. The funding will enable both churches to develop theirchurch buildings and employ additional team members to enable them to grow andbecome a resource for all churches across the Diocese.