Contactless Giving

Contactless devices open up giving to many people

We all know that we are using cash less frequently in our everyday spending and some people no longer carry cash. This means that we need to make other ways to give available, and one of the easiest is through a contactless device. With most contactless devices there is an online component, which allows your donors to make donations online, and so also for you to print QR codes onto your publications, such as newsletters or pew slips. To find out more about this please click here

The simplest of these devices is now very cheap (less than £20, though you need a tablet or mobile 'phone to work alongside it) and there is lots of help available both to set it up and to get the most out of your machine. There are aslo devices that do not require access to the Internet when being used. So it is now possible for every church to be able to consider the possibility of contactless giving.

Purchasing a contactless device

If you are thinking about getting a contactless device for your church one of the best places to look is the Parish Buying website, which churches can sign up to, and who are able to get better deals for churches through collected buying power. 

Before purchasing there are several questions you should ask, which will help decide what device you want to get.

1) Does you church have Wifi or good (at least 4G) mobile 'phone signal? 

2) Where will you put the device? Do you have a power socket near where you want the device?

3) Do you want it to mostly be used in services, or left in the church for visitors to use?

4) Do you want to use its online platform to take donations also?

Joshua Townson, Generous Giving Advisor for the Diocese of Oxford, has produced this very helpful video, to help you weigh up the options.

For further information please visit the Parish Buying website and they often give additional free training to help you set up your device and giving screen, details of which can be found here

Depending on your circumstances and the device (and whether you want to secure it in the church) you may be required to get a Faculty. 

While the small SumUp devices can take payments as well as donations, it is often suggested, if you are going to have a number of payments, to get a second device, one for donations and one for payments. This will make it clearer to HMRC and other bodies which payments are payments, and donations donations.

If you are interested in digital giving or have any other questions, please contact: Chris Boden 07943 326411.

Page last updated: Thursday 17th February 2022 10:24 AM

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Why give to your church through the Parish Giving Scheme

Giving is an essential part of our faith—it enables our churches to flourish, support communities, and share the love of Christ. The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an effective way to give regularly to your church, ensuring stability and sustainability for ministry and mission.

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