
Diocesan events and training are displayed here. This calendar will also display events submitted from parishes across the Diocese and occasionally third party events where we believe there might be a wider interest. For these events, please contact the event organiser to be sure of whether the event you are expecting to attend is still planning to go ahead.


November 2023
January 2024
Sunday, 3 November
3:00pm - 3:45pm
Sunday Afternoon Organ Music
Organist Paul Carr plays a 45-minute programme of ...
Sunday, 3 November
3:00pm - 3:45pm
Sunday Afternoon Organ Music
Organist Paul Carr plays a 45-minute programme of ...
Monday, 4 November
10:00am - 11:00am
Contemplative Worship at All Saints, Evesham
You are invited to come along to sit with others in silent prayer, for ourselves and for our neighbours near and far.
Monday, 4 November
10:00am - 4:00pm
Create Art Ministry -Relaxation & Mindfulness
Theme: ‘Seasons in Life Tree’. Monday 4th N...
Education and Schools
Tuesday, 5 November
6:00pm - 8:00pm
DBE: Enable governors to monitor School's Christian Vision
This session will give governors, foundation governors and Ex-Officios/Bishop’s Representative an understanding of their responsibilities with regards to monitoring the impact of the effectiveness of the Christian vision within a church school.
Education and Schools
Wednesday, 6 November
10:00am - 12:30pm
DBE: Godly Play
Godly Play is a creative and imaginative approach based on long established, tried and tested approaches. It is a non-coercive way to encourage children to move into larger dimensions of belief and faith, through wondering questions and open-ended response time.
Ministry and Leadership
Wednesday, 6 November
10:00am - 12:30pm
Exploring St Luke’s Gospel
In Advent 2024 the church begins the final year of its three year cycle of readings with St Luke’s gospel providing the focus for the year. This workshop is being run over a morning, beginning with refreshments at 10.00am and moving to learning at 10.30am. A slightly shortened version of the learning is being presented online in the evening.
Ministry and Leadership
Wednesday, 6 November
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Exploring St Luke’s Gospel
In Advent 2024 the church begins the final year of its three year cycle of readings with St Luke’s gospel providing the focus for the year. This workshop is being run over a morning, beginning with refreshments at 10.00am and moving to learning at 10.30am. A slightly shortened version of the learning is being presented online in the evening.
Education and Schools
Thursday, 7 November
10:00am - 3:30pm
DBE: SIAMS Framework Day 3 - The Effectiveness of RE
Focusing on Inspection Question 6 & 7(VA). We will look in detail at RE within the SIAMS Framework, the importance placed on RE, including the requirements for subject leaders, headteachers and governors.
Ministry and Leadership
Thursday, 7 November
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Apologetics - Invitation to a book club
This is an invitation to a meeting, convened by Doug Chaplin, about forming a book club (or if you prefer more academic framing, a seminar) to read and reflect on Alister McGrath’s new book, Christian Apologetics: An Introduction (Wiley Blackwell, 2023).
Saturday, 9 November
7:30pm - 9:30pm
For the Fallen: a concert of remembrance with the Elgar Chorale
A choral concert for remembrance-tide featuring the Duruflé Requiem.
Worship and liturgy
Parish, community event
Sunday, 10 November
All Age Remembrance Service
Remember with St Marks, Worcester on Sunday 10 November
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